I come across one common situation amongst my patients. Say I am consulting a woman, 35-40 years old, in the peak of her mature beauty. Single. Either divorced or was never married. I ask her: “Why don’t you have a husband or a close relationship?” “I am too old for that, no one is interested,” is her reply.
Saturn in the Vedic astrology reflects the law of Dharma, hence one of its names is Dharmaraj.
Dharma is a duty, responsibility which every living being has. Saturn (Shani) is a great cleaner and controller of the Universe. He obeys Lord Shiva. It was Shiva who, being satisfied with austerity and sacrifices of Shani, appointed Him to the post of Dharmaraj, the universal prosecutor of Dharma.
The Sun shows the nature and desires of the soul in this incarnation and with the help of astrology we can see which sphere of life and which talents are lightened by the initial impulse of Divine Energy. That is why it is very important to listen to one’s conscience, fell your spiritual nature.